Monday, December 29, 2008

Litte E is the Winner!!

She pulled out her wiggly tooth this morning. She is so excited!! And she won the loose tooth contest that I posted about a while back.

So, what the going rate for a tooth these days?

Friday, December 26, 2008

Random Thought Friday

So, early today, I was looking up movie times on the internet.  It got me thinking about back in the day when you had to call the theaters to listen to the pre-recorded times.  Does anyone else remember that?  When you would call, you would inevitably get the end of the recording and you had to call back again and hope that you would get it at the beginning.  It took several calls to get the times of the movie you wanted to see.  Man, I love technology.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

We're Suckers

Meet Yoshi... the girls' early Christmas present.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The KK Khronicles, Part Deux

Kids says the darnedest things and Super K is no exception.  If you missed my first installment, click here .

On politics...
While playing with her doll, a political ad was on TV.

KK: "Here Daddy, Barack Obamaca makes my baby cry."

While scratching her bottom and listening to news coverage on the election...

Daddy: "KK, what are you doing?"
KK: "John McCain makes my butt itch and he makes me tired."

On losing her mermaid doll...
KK: "Where's my stinkin' mermaid doll??"

On potty training...
KK: "What a big girl am I.  High 5 Girlfriend!" 

Little e also makes us laugh...  
While I was getting ready, she came into the bathroom to use the potty.  I told her about our plans for her day off which included a trip to Build-A-Bear and going to see High School Musical 3.  The news made her "toot".

e: "(laughing) I was so excited, I blew!!"

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

We Did It!!!

Big E and I ran the 33rd Marine Corps Marathon in DC on Sunday... and finished! I had no doubt that E would finish, I was more worried about me. I had been battling a nasty cold, complete with uncontrollable coughing when I would breathe out and my knees and heel had been bothering me. E's original thought of running the marathon together lasted until about mile 7 where he decided that running with me hurt... I take absolutely no offense to that since I am way slower than him. Anyway...

Big E finished in 4:12 and I finished in 4:56... woohoo! I beat 5 hours and E beat Oprah!! It's very surreal to have it over with. Months of training seemed to be over in a flash. The girls (especially KK) are glad that we are done training... she hated when we would leave to go run.

So, what's next? Who knows. Definitely not running for a little while. I still hurt. Will there be another marathon in our future?? I can't say.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Lots of Things Come With Training...

for a marathon. Like, sore knees and legs, lots of sweating, and this:

Last night, this little guy started following me on my run. He ran next to me and in the road and when I reached the main road with a 45 mph speed limit, he was still with me. I was able to grab him to see if he had any identification... nope. So we walked down to the local wine shop to borrow a phone to call E. He and the girls came to pick us up and we searched for his owners to no avail. So, he came home with us. Sophie and the girls loved playing with him.

This morning, we took him to the vet to see if he had a microchip... and thankfully, he did. They called the owner and I spoke with him and offered to drop 'Jack' off. He was very happy to have him back. When the owner opened the door to go back inside, Jack escaped again. He was able to chase him down so Jack is now back home, safe and sound for the time being.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Pierre Von Gobble

Seriously, that's his name.

When I dropped little e off at school yesterday, the school nurse who got her out of the car (they have curbside service there) asked if we had seen the turkey.  It turns out, Pierre is one of the teachers' pets (heehee... teachers pet) and she brought it to school so the kids could see a turkey up close and personal.

KK and I decided to investigate.

I have never seen a turkey that close and he was really friendly.  We were able to pet his head and touch his feathers.  The head of a turkey is strangely soft and fuzzy and squishy.

KK was intrigued by his wiggle belly button... uhm, nose thing.

After school, we stopped by to see Pierre one last time and get a picture of little e with her newest friend.

Don't you wish your kids' school had a pet turkey too?

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Wanna Bet??

We have two loose and wiggly teeth in our household.

One of little e's baby teeth is loose. She is so excited. When we went to the dentist in April, the dentist told her that she was going to lose a tooth soon. She took that literally and has been telling everyone since then that she is going to lose a tooth. When one actually started wiggling, she was beside herself. The loose one is on the bottom, left of center.

If you remember, KK did battle with the cement last year and chipped one of her front teeth. When I took her to the dentist in April when it started to discolor, they took x-rays and said that she would probably lose it by the summer since the roots were dying.

So, the question is, who is going to lose the first tooth? We're taking bets... which girl will be the first to lose a tooth and when??

I pray that it is little e, because man, how can a little sister beat you to that accomplishment??

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Adventures in Potty Training Part 4 & The KK Khronicles

Ahhh, potty training. One of my most hated parts about child rearing. We have decided to take a rather lax approach with KK since it was so frustrating with little e. The second time around has been interesting and definitely much more enjoyable. If you need to catch up, read all the other potty training posts here .

So, head strong KK has moved into big girl panties but is very opinionated about which panties she will be wearing. She does have accidents every now and then, but I have not bought diapers or pull-ups since the end of July. Yippee!!

We have also had some very interesting conversations with her while potty training. Hence, The KK Khronicles.

Before heading out to Tae Kwon Do...
me: 'Do you need to go potty?'

KK: 'NO THANK YOU!!!' (at least she has manners)

Me: 'You need to go potty before we leave'

KK: 'Sure, whatever'

After an accident...
KK: 'I absolutely peed in my panties... my lemonade made me do it'

Picking out princess pull-ups...
KK: 'I found Jasmine!! Those, I want those!'

me: 'You like Princess Jasmine?'

KK: 'Yeah... I wish we could go at A Taste of Monterey and see Jasmine... I miss her.'

me: 'Me too'

KK: 'Did she used to be your friend?'

me: 'She still is my friend'

KK: 'Is she my friend too?'

me: 'yes'

(Side note: to all my ATOM friends... miss you all and hope all is well.)

Have a great Wednesday!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sweet Serenity Tuesday

Yes, I know it's Wednesday and I should probably be cleaning, or doing laundry, or figuring out something for dinner, or... well, you get the picture. But I thought I would take this rare moment of quiet to let you know about my great day yesterday.

It started out a little hectic since Big E and I both ran 3 miles in the morning... he went first and then I went with the dog (ugh!). Sophie is not the fastest or most focused runner, but she hangs in there so she can take a dip in the bay half way through.

Anyway, Big E and little e are now carpool buddies since her bus stop is on the base and he drops her off on his way to work... great daddy and daughter bonding time. After sending them on their way, I hopped into the shower and got myself and KK ready and dropped her off at her school. Well, it's not really school. More of a kids day out/mommys morning out program that she goes to once a week from 9-3:30 (hallelujah). I know it sounds awful, but to be kid free for 6 hours is just what the doctor ordered.

I had a little time to spare before I had to be at little e's school to volunteer in her classroom. (I know, a free day... and how do I spend it?). I figured it was the least I could do and she was really excited for me to be there. I was in charge of the art station where the kids made their faces on paper plates and added yarn hair. I have to say, there are quite a few abstract artists in the class. After stations were over, I joined e for lunch in the cafeteria. It was quite a different atmosphere than at her previous school (S, you can vouch for that). Smaller school/classes make for way less chaos.

So stomach grumbling, I said my goodbyes and stopped to get lunch at my favorite fast food addiction joint, McDonalds. At least I was by myself... Big E will be happy with that. He HATES fast food and the fact that the girls even know what McDonalds is. I have vices, what can I say?

Then, it was off to get my watch battery replaced, roam through JoAnn Fabrics for a while, a trip to BJ's to get some bulk Crystal Light, then to Old Navy for some returns and browsing, more browsing at Ross and then back home. Whilst at home, I organized the girls closet and hung up hooks in the toy room for their dress up outfits. Then I headed to the commissary for one more stop of sans free kid shopping. I was in and out in less than 30 minutes and got everything I needed... and nothing that I didn't. After, I picked up KK at school and went to get e at the bus stop.

When we got home, I brought the girls upstairs to see the new enhancements made to the toy room. They stayed up there playing for a good hour and a half... no screaming or fighting or tattle tale-ing. I was able to unload all of the groceries and organize them, thaw something for dinner and cut up loads of vegetables for dinner and snacking.

After dinner, we headed to a local ice cream place to celebrate little e's first full week of school. e decided she wanted a quart or pint of double chocolate chunk ice cream, but we got her a small bowl instead. KK got an ice cream cone bigger than her but enjoyed it.

We ended the night with a bubble tub (my turn), where no one got yelled at, stories, and both of the girls willingly going to bed with neither of them exiting the room once.

So, there you have it. It may not sound like much, but it was a great button reset day. I feel like a whole different person. I was much more patient with them yesterday and today and am definitely looking forward to next week. It may make me look like a bad mom to be so thrilled with a day away from my kids... But, there really is something to be said for being able to stop several places and not have to buckle and unbuckle kids, hold their hands so they don't get run over in a parking lot, scoping out the nearest bathroom for the accident prone one who's potty training, not constantly saying 'hands off, don't touch' and worry about lunch and nap time, yadda yadda yadda.

Here's to days of feeling non-mom like and not feeling guilty for it!! Hope you all are able to enjoy those few and far between zen-like moments.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Kindergarten, Part 2

Today was little e's first day of Kindergarten... again. If you remember, she started Kindergarten when we were in California since she met the age cut-off there. We debated and went back and forth over the decision to re-start her and after today, we are so at ease with our decision.

Although there is an elementary school, literally in our backyard, we put little e's name into the lottery for the new charter school in the area and were lucky enough to get a spot. The waiting list for the school is huge. They follow all of the state education guidelines, but are free to create their own curriculum. The focus is on community, development of self, creativity through arts and music... they even do organic gardening.

And the best part... uniforms!!!

...although one is able to express their self through their Hanna Montana bookbag.

She wore her necklace that her CA boyfriend gave her for good luck.

Little sisters are so much fun!

Dad took time out of his busy day to join us for a treasure hunt through the school to get us all acquainted with the layout.

At the end of the treasure hunt, one of the teachers read the kids the book, "The Kissing Hand", which is a great story about a raccoon that is scared to go to school.

And last, but not least, there is a new "K" in our life... here on out referred to as BFFK. Not more than 5 minutes of being in the classroom, little e and BFFK were holding hands. I think they had met previously at one of my friends houses. Her teacher told me that they were inseparable today which is great since they will be riding the bus together next week. What a perfect way to alleviate her bus fears.

When I picked little e up, she was all smiles and said that she loved her new school. Nothing better than that...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

What We Need

My friend Amy did this on her blog and thought it was fun, so decided to do it for us.

How it works: type your name and 'needs' after it in a google search, and list the top 10 results.

1. K needs more people for her to relate to and so she can finally have a friend (yeah, probably).
2. K needs coffee (don't drink it, so I should maybe take the suggestion).
3. K needs to get her head out of her elbow (huh??).
4. K needs you.
5. K needs to cut her hair (Sukanda here I come).
6. K needs to learn that everyone is replaceable.
7. K needs to do something about her top front angly-weird teeth (um, I think my Mayo Clinic orthodontic work is just fine).
8. K needs to move to New York (OK, see ya MD).
9. K needs attention.
10. K needs to quit one of her jobs (No problem... one family on the auction block, takers??).

1. E needs to complete the game.
2. E needs Christine in his life (ummm.... who's Christine?).
3. E needs to come home (he's spending way too much time with this Christine girl).
4. E needs to speedily retract and denounce his earlier comments on the subject.
5. E needs to work (definitely).
6. E needs cable (true... DirecTV is on his last nerve).
7. E needs his woman (that's right... take that Christine!).
8. E needs a girl (nope... #7 answered that).
9. E needs some buddies.
10. E needs to wear hearing aides in both ears (I've always said that he's deaf).

1. e needs a loving new home (this one is horrible).
2. e needs sunglasses NOW!
3. e needs squares (what??).
4. e needs a drink (no... that would be what I need).
5. e needs to break her spell.
6. e needs to paint, paint, paint (perfect for our artistic girl).
7. e needs cancer treatment (thankfully, no).
8. e needs it most (needs what the most?).
9. e needs chun (yeah, I have no idea).
10. e needs a vacation (again, that would be me).

1. KK needs a special venue for musical, theater performances (I would pay money for that).
2. KK needs to face reality.
3. KK needs to stay (put, in one place without running everywhere like a crazy child).
4. KK needs more attention (like you can ignore her).
5. KK needs no one.
6. KK needs more residential high-rises (I'll take a cut of her profits).
7. KK needs to post the trailer on .
8. KK needs one incorporator (I would like to see what kind of business deal she's up to).
9. KK needs curly hair.
10. KK needs no further mention (perfect).

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Happy 1 Year Anniversary...

to my blog!! I am a little late and had to look back at the archives to see when I actually started this whole thing. August 1, 2007.

My, time has flown by since I have been blogging, and more recently, not blogging. Hopefully when school starts, things will settle down a little bit and I will be able to devote more time to blogging. I truly enjoy catching everyone up with what we are up to and I appreciate that all of you stop by to read.

So, new years blog resolution... blog more. There you have it.

Thanks for reading!! K

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Ketchup, Part 2

I figured I would take this rare opportunity while KK is still sleeping (day 2 in a row that she has slept past 6:30) to post something quick.

Marine Corps Marathon here we come!!

E had already decided a while ago that he was going to run the marathon. Then, while over at a friends house, I met a girl that lives a few houses down from us... she was looking for a running partner and we figured out that our pace was pretty close. And then, she asked if I wanted to run the marathon with her and my few glasses of wine spoke up and said, 'I'd love to!!' I'm not sure why or how I thought it would be a good idea to run a marathon since I had never run more than 3 miles in my life but I am going to attempt to.

We are currently in week 7 of our 18 week training program. The marathon is Sunday, October 26th at some horribly early time... so if any friends or family want to come out and watch the kids, let us know!!

We'll keep you posted as it gets closer and give you our bib numbers so you can keep track of us online.

Wish us luck!

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Always, always, ALWAYS wear the wrist strap....

Now accepting donations for the 'replace our plasma' fund.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Ketchup, Part 1

When I was in school we used to have "catch-up" days and I always thought it was so funny to have "ketchup" days... and apparently, I still do. Silly.

Anyway, since I have been so lax about blogging for a while, we are going to need to go way back to May. That is when little e tested for her yellow belt in Tae Kwon Do.

Here she is focusing and getting ready to recite the 10 rules of Tae Kwon Do... such concentration.
Warming up with punches.
Master Shim...
who is apparently rolling in the dough judging by the sheer numbers of people that come through the doors of the academy... and the brand new studio that is nicer than many houses I have seen. (Check out the look on the little boy's face who is next to him... priceless).

Little e tested on a Saturday, but had to wait until Monday to see if she had passed.

Drum roll please...

Was there any doubt?

I love how proud she is when she reaches a new level.
And of course, the congratulatory hand shakes from the black belts.
Congratulations big girl!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

We're Alive!!

Yes, we are still alive and kicking and I have a lot of catching up to do.

I have been all out of sorts for the past couple of months and finally feel like I have things under control. It's amazing how changes in routine can really throw you off. Summer break has been crazy and I don't know what I am doing half the time. Add in a 3000+ square foot home and two extremely active and social children... well then you really have no time to do anything but clean and entertain.

I plan to post lots about our goings-on over the past 2 months and our fun filled MN vacation but tonight, I am too tired to do anything more than this pathetic post. Today I watched a friends girls, ages 3 & 6, and had all 4 kids in the pool at the same time. What the heck is wrong with me?

Talk with you soon!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Things That Get Yer Goat

OK, we've been busy... very busy. I was actually scolded by my mother the other day for not posting. Sorry Mom. We are heading to MN for our annual vacation tomorrow and I promise that I will catch up then.

In the meantime...

We live a stones throw away from an elementary school and while sitting out on our deck at night, we often hear people throwing their trash in the schools dumpsters. Really... seriously?? You only have to drive a mile to get to the public trash dumping facility. How much is it costing the tax payers for you to dump your trash in a public schools dumpster? Come on now people...

Yes, random, but that's what got us tonight.

Wish us safe travels and wi-fi at the hotel so I can update ya'll on everything that we've been up to.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Conversations with Kids

I have to admit, one of my favorite things about being a parent is getting to see the world through our kids eyes. Sometimes I have no idea where they come up with some of the stuff they say.

This morning while getting the kids ready, the conversation went like this:

Me: 'KK, come here, be a good listener and let's get you dressed.'...she actually listened for once and came over to me.

KK: 'I'm so proud of you Mommy.'

Me: (confused look)

e: 'Congratulations on being a grown-up!'

Me: (still confused look) 'Huh??'

e: 'Well, you've been alive for a really long time. I mean, they didn't even have cars when you were born.'

Me: (laughing) 'I'm not that old.'

e: 'Oh yeah, Grandma & Grandpa are pretty old... they definitely didn't have cars back then.'

After thinking a little more...

e: 'Were Grandma & Grandpa in the war?'

Me: 'What war?'

e: 'You know the one that happened a million years ago?'


On the way home today, e noticed that a lot of people were mowing our neighbors lawn.

e: 'How come a lot of people have people mowing their yards?'

Me: 'Well, some people have a lawn service to do it for them.'

e: 'How come we don't have one? Oh! We do... it's Daddy!'


We had a storm here last night with lots of wind, rain and according to KK...

'Lighbening and Blunder'. 'Can you save me from the blunder Mommy?'


Now, if I ever get any of this on video, that would be so much better. On the old note, is it still even called video anymore??

Friday, May 30, 2008

Ticki Ticki Tembo-... sa rembo-chari bari ruchi-pip peri pembo. An interesting book, Tikki Tikki Tembo, retold by Arlene Mosel... try reading that to your kids after a glass of wine.

Where was I? Oh yeah, ticks.

Starting in late April, early May, Southern Maryland is riddled with ticks... and living on an acre and a half, a majority of which is woodsy, does not help.

The current tick count is: little e - 2, with 1 tick head embedded in her head; super K - 2; big K - 2, plus 2 more found crawling on me; and leading with a big goose egg - super big E. Way to go Superman!

Whilst enjoying ice cream with the girls tonight, I mistakenly thought KK got a glob of chocolate on her head... which is by no means unusual. Instead, I found this...
Yuck, ewww... definitely something to make your skin crawl.

With the help of my trusty assistant...

...I employed this technique:

'To Remove the entire TICK safely..........

Tick Removal Please forward to anyone with children .... or hunters, etc!! thanks! A School Nurse has written the info below -- good enough to share -- And it really works!! I had a pediatrician tell me what she believes is the best way to remove a tick. This is great, because it works in those places where it's sometimes difficult to get to with tweezers: between toes, in the middle of a head full of dark hair, etc. Apply a glob of liquid soap to a cotton ball. Cover the tick with the soap-soaked cotton ball and let it stay on the repulsive insect for a few seconds (15-20), after which the tick will come out on it's own and be stuck to the cotton ball when you lift it away. This technique has worked every time I've used it (and that was frequently), and it's much less traumatic for the patient and easier for me. Unless someone is allergic to soap, I can't see that this would be damaging in any way. I even had my doctor's wife call me for advice because she had one stuck to her back and she couldn't reach it with tweezers. She used this method and immediately called me back to say, "It worked!"'

...provided to me by my good friend Amy's mom, Doris, when she originally heard about e's tick head-head problem.

I did not work quite as promised, but did stun the nasty bugger enough for me to get it completely out.

As for me, one of the two little f*%@ers that bit me a month ago, must have had it out for me. For the past week I have been extremely tired and have had horrible knee pain. So, I loaded up the crew, including one 2 year old, sans nap, and headed to Naval Medical. After speaking with the doctor and providing three viles of my precious blood, I received a 21 day course of antibiotics to treat Lyme Disease. My results will not come back for a week, but hey... definitely better safe than sorry, right?

Darn, military housing or model home are sounding really good right now!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Reasons Why Not... leave a 2 year old unattended for a minute.

Example 1:
Mom's bright idea to give her a plate of crackers and easy cheese for dipping.

Example 2:
Dad's bright idea to set up a paint station in the garage.

Incredible Hulk Jr.

Punk rock highlights.

These two events happened a day apart from each other.

Will we ever learn?

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

To my Mom... thank you for being you and helping me to become who I am. I love you!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Random Thought Friday, Part 2

I swear I will get back to regular blogging soon as we have something brewing as usual, but in the meantime...

Some things are better left to the professionals.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Random Thought Friday

So, this is the first time that we have had an actual mailbox since we moved from CT in 2001. Apartment mail, post office box in Guam and community mailboxes in CA. Anyway...

I do a lot of looking and thinking when I walk the dog and I started focusing on everybody's mailboxes. Hey, I didn't say I was doing great or profound thinking.

What I found was that every single mailbox has this on it...

What happens if you have one that isn't approved by the Postmaster General? Will they deliver your mail? Is anyone crazy or daring enough to find out? Do ya think?? I wonder...

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


These creepy things are hanging out all over the place. Little e tells me that the caterpillars that are inside will turn into ugly brown moths.

I'm going to take her word for it and hope that they disappear sometime soon.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Who Isn't...

grilling cinnamon rolls this morning??

Just one more thing that has E grumbling, 'Where is my model home?'

Stay tuned for more old house fun.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Board Breaking and White Striping

Little e has moved on to board breaking in the world of Tae Kwon Do.

Here she is holding her board prior to class. Hard to believe that this sweet little thing could have enough power to break a board with her hand.

She actually broke one while waiting for class to start, so my initial fears were put to rest.

Ready, set, ACTION!

That was called, 'Palm heal strike'.

Since that picture was taken, she has broken several more boards using her feet and elbows. I am not looking forward to the day that she does it with her head... ugh!

She also earned a new belt a few weeks back... it's called 'white stripe'...

...why, I am not sure, since it clearly has a yellow stripe on it. But who am I to question years of tradition?

After each achievement, we can clearly see a sense of pride of accomplishment in her.

I cannot get over how old she looks here. Time is definitely flying by.


Saturday, April 5, 2008


Moving is hard. It stinks. Having to start over every 3 years, give or take, really can take it's toll on you.

And the worst part about it?? Consoling your kids because they miss their friends, adjusting to the new neighborhood/house, finding activities and schools for the kids, unpacking, dealing with move damage... the list can go on and on.

Nope, not one of those things makes me fear moving.

Finding a hairdresser... now that frightens me. Especially when you live in the land of the mullet... women included. There is no discrimination here. After looking at everyone's hair for the past 3+ months, I was very distraught. I had not seen one person that I wanted to find out where they got their hair cut. Then, while on a field trip with e's school... it happened. I finally found someone who had cute hair. I immediately and shamelessly marched right up to her and asked her who cut her hair. Thankfully, being a military wife has helped me to abandon all reservations and not feel strange at all going up to complete strangers and asking them anything.

Enter, Sukanda (cue harps and choir signing 'Ahhhh').

She is a cute little lady from Thailand that does a wonderful job cutting hair. After seeing her work, I was confident enough to let her not only cut 4+ inches off my hair, but she also thinned it for me.

Whew, one more thing checked off my list. MD is getting closer and closer to home every day.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Look What I Made!

Jacinda over at Creative Legs has been taunting me with her insane amount of creativity and talent which prompted me to dust off my crochet hook. OK, I actually had to go buy one, but lets not split hairs, shall we?

My Grandma taught me how to crochet when I was a kid and I basically got really really good at doing one long chain and I think maybe I could go back and forth a little, but I don't believe I ever really made anything.

Little e saw a poncho that the neighbor lady had made and has wanted one ever since, so when I went to this website and found a free pattern that said, 'easy', I was hooked... no pun intended. Because if it says 'easy', it must be, right??

Well, if you have never crocheted or looked at a pattern, you've got a surprise coming... because they are written in hieroglyphics. Here the first line of my 'easy' pattern...

'Ch 3, make 2 more dc in same space, [skip next ch, 3 dc in next ch] 17 times, skip next ch; join with slip st in top of beg ch - 18 Blocks.'

What the ???

I promptly emailed Jacinda and then later picked up the phone to ask her what any of that meant. She got me started by trying as hard as she could to dumb down the lingo for me. I started crocheting and making up whatever stitch I thought would work, because I was making a poncho after all... no one would ever know if there was something wrong with it. That's the beauty of things that you just throw over your head... no accuracy required. I am making scarves next!!

And I got this done just in time for summer. Thankfully, I made it plenty big enough that it will fit for years to come. Princess M, one is on its way for you too... perfect for those chilly days in CA.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Spring in the East

Ahhh, Spring has officially arrived on the east coast. The cherry blossoms are everywhere and are beautiful!!

Last weekend, we headed up to Washington D.C. to play tourist. We parked our car at the closest Metro station and jumped on the train... 'Bullet train, bullet train, yeah' (parents of young children: name it)... and headed to The Mall.

We did all of the touristy things... we went to the monuments, The Smithsonian Air & Space Museum (one museum was one too many with the girls), had street vendor hot dogs for lunch and looked at the thousands of beautiful blossoms.

We also enjoyed the many, many kites that were flying.

Turns out that last Saturday was the first day of the Cherry Blossom Festival, complete with a kite flying competition. Had we have known, we would have never gone... the amount of people on The Mall was insane. We are so glad that we went though. One more adventure under our belts.

These cool pictures were edited with Photoshop, which is one of my new favorite things. I can't wait to see what more I can do with it... stay tuned!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Don't Stop Believing!

Wow, seriously. Why did the 80's have to die? Check out the pants and the guitar player. That's hot!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

No, I haven't completely lost my mind. I DO know it's St. Patrick's Day, but I'm not Irish, and I have really no idea why there is a St. Patrick's Day. I mean, I know it has something to do with St. Patrick, but this holiday has never really spoken to me... well, maybe it did in college with the green beer and all.

OK, I just read up on the history of St. Patrick's Day here, so now I'm not a complete ninny. Does anyone even use that word anymore? I'm not sure if I ever have save for just right now.


I never got around to posting our Valentine's Day fun, so I figured that I would go ahead and take the opportunity to do so today.

We started our morning with pink heart shaped pancakes.

My heart cookie cutter that my mom gave to me has gotten sooo much use over the years... it's great for sandwiches too.

MD had a dusting of snow, so school was canceled. e was pretty upset because she was going to miss her Valentine's Day party, but her mood quickly changed when she realized that she could do this with the neighbors...

KK had a great time too and

even made a new friend.

Friday's weather was back to normal and e was able to have her school party. They made these really cute boxes to collect their valentines in.

Every time I glanced towards the box, I wanted to yell, 'Get off the counter!'

Hope you all had a great Valentine's Day and have a wonderful St. Patrick's Day!