Sunday, March 16, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

No, I haven't completely lost my mind. I DO know it's St. Patrick's Day, but I'm not Irish, and I have really no idea why there is a St. Patrick's Day. I mean, I know it has something to do with St. Patrick, but this holiday has never really spoken to me... well, maybe it did in college with the green beer and all.

OK, I just read up on the history of St. Patrick's Day here, so now I'm not a complete ninny. Does anyone even use that word anymore? I'm not sure if I ever have save for just right now.


I never got around to posting our Valentine's Day fun, so I figured that I would go ahead and take the opportunity to do so today.

We started our morning with pink heart shaped pancakes.

My heart cookie cutter that my mom gave to me has gotten sooo much use over the years... it's great for sandwiches too.

MD had a dusting of snow, so school was canceled. e was pretty upset because she was going to miss her Valentine's Day party, but her mood quickly changed when she realized that she could do this with the neighbors...

KK had a great time too and

even made a new friend.

Friday's weather was back to normal and e was able to have her school party. They made these really cute boxes to collect their valentines in.

Every time I glanced towards the box, I wanted to yell, 'Get off the counter!'

Hope you all had a great Valentine's Day and have a wonderful St. Patrick's Day!


The A Team said...

How Martha are you? Look at those pancakes... We start 2 weeks of spring break today and sure wish you guys were here to play with.

Jacinda said...

HA! I thought that was e too. Had to do a double-take! Yummy pancakes, yes please!

Jacinda said...

love the makeover by the way!

Chastity said...

That V-Day box is SO cute!! That's a good idea for me to use next year!

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure you Did use "ninny".