Monday, March 10, 2008

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Who feels happier today with a little extra light after dinner time?

We do!


blunoz said...

I think that's the first time I've heard anyone say anything positive about the clock shift. Well... at least anyone with small children. It always seems to put our kids schedules out of whack. Chalk that up as a positive for living in Hawaii - NO daylight savings time clock shifts!

Caffienated Cowgirl said...

Lol...enjoy the extra daylight! (We're still awaiting our change over here...and it doesn't help that the skies are gray with rain.)

The A Team said...

You know we'll take it! Daylight is good...

Anonymous said...

Oh my, I got behind on the blogrounds so I'm just reading about Isis. Thoughts and prayers to everyone. :(

Yup, it was VERY NICE to see daylight still at 7pm yesterday! Even though winter is nowhere near over in MI at least its a lighter winter! *chuckle*