Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sweet Serenity Tuesday

Yes, I know it's Wednesday and I should probably be cleaning, or doing laundry, or figuring out something for dinner, or... well, you get the picture. But I thought I would take this rare moment of quiet to let you know about my great day yesterday.

It started out a little hectic since Big E and I both ran 3 miles in the morning... he went first and then I went with the dog (ugh!). Sophie is not the fastest or most focused runner, but she hangs in there so she can take a dip in the bay half way through.

Anyway, Big E and little e are now carpool buddies since her bus stop is on the base and he drops her off on his way to work... great daddy and daughter bonding time. After sending them on their way, I hopped into the shower and got myself and KK ready and dropped her off at her school. Well, it's not really school. More of a kids day out/mommys morning out program that she goes to once a week from 9-3:30 (hallelujah). I know it sounds awful, but to be kid free for 6 hours is just what the doctor ordered.

I had a little time to spare before I had to be at little e's school to volunteer in her classroom. (I know, a free day... and how do I spend it?). I figured it was the least I could do and she was really excited for me to be there. I was in charge of the art station where the kids made their faces on paper plates and added yarn hair. I have to say, there are quite a few abstract artists in the class. After stations were over, I joined e for lunch in the cafeteria. It was quite a different atmosphere than at her previous school (S, you can vouch for that). Smaller school/classes make for way less chaos.

So stomach grumbling, I said my goodbyes and stopped to get lunch at my favorite fast food addiction joint, McDonalds. At least I was by myself... Big E will be happy with that. He HATES fast food and the fact that the girls even know what McDonalds is. I have vices, what can I say?

Then, it was off to get my watch battery replaced, roam through JoAnn Fabrics for a while, a trip to BJ's to get some bulk Crystal Light, then to Old Navy for some returns and browsing, more browsing at Ross and then back home. Whilst at home, I organized the girls closet and hung up hooks in the toy room for their dress up outfits. Then I headed to the commissary for one more stop of sans free kid shopping. I was in and out in less than 30 minutes and got everything I needed... and nothing that I didn't. After, I picked up KK at school and went to get e at the bus stop.

When we got home, I brought the girls upstairs to see the new enhancements made to the toy room. They stayed up there playing for a good hour and a half... no screaming or fighting or tattle tale-ing. I was able to unload all of the groceries and organize them, thaw something for dinner and cut up loads of vegetables for dinner and snacking.

After dinner, we headed to a local ice cream place to celebrate little e's first full week of school. e decided she wanted a quart or pint of double chocolate chunk ice cream, but we got her a small bowl instead. KK got an ice cream cone bigger than her but enjoyed it.

We ended the night with a bubble tub (my turn), where no one got yelled at, stories, and both of the girls willingly going to bed with neither of them exiting the room once.

So, there you have it. It may not sound like much, but it was a great button reset day. I feel like a whole different person. I was much more patient with them yesterday and today and am definitely looking forward to next week. It may make me look like a bad mom to be so thrilled with a day away from my kids... But, there really is something to be said for being able to stop several places and not have to buckle and unbuckle kids, hold their hands so they don't get run over in a parking lot, scoping out the nearest bathroom for the accident prone one who's potty training, not constantly saying 'hands off, don't touch' and worry about lunch and nap time, yadda yadda yadda.

Here's to days of feeling non-mom like and not feeling guilty for it!! Hope you all are able to enjoy those few and far between zen-like moments.


blunoz said...

Isn't it nice when you have one of those days where everything just seems to "click" and fall into place nicely? That sounds like a great day! My wife can certainly relate on the daytime without the kids, and I can relate on the bathtime and bedtime with no screaming or fighting or multiple attempts to but them in bed.

The A Team said...

Sounds glorious and well-deserved. Just wish I could keep you company.

amy said...

you made me laugh because i could have written that post! i hire the babysitter and go places just to go by myself. ahhhh....yes, no guilt, no kids, lovin' it. you deserve it, mama, and the gooddonalds is more than deserved for a 3 mile run!!!

Anonymous said...

May not sound like much? do I sign up for lessons?

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had a day like that. Lord knows we all could use them!