Saturday, September 1, 2007

Wii Love It!!

I think that I have mentioned that I like gadgets and electronics.

Our neighbor (her husband claims to want nothing to do with it) bought a Nintendo Wii.

If you haven't heard of it, it's a video game system that mimics your body movements. For example, you stand in your living room, holding a remote and act like you are bowling and your character on the screen does what you do. Anyway, when she was gone for the weekend, strange neighbors that we are, called T and asked to borrow the Wii... he wasn't going to be using it anyway, so why not, right? We had sooo much fun with it. We bowled and golfed and boxed until we were sore. Shocking that a video game can do that to you... I swear that was the best workout that I had had in a long time. Anyway...

We fell in love with the darn thing and spent the next week on a mission to find it. I have no idea why, but they are really hard to come by. My friend Jenn and I were out shopping one day and happened to find a store that had 5 of them on hand and we bought two. No, we are not 12 years old, but it's fun to feel like it.

Here's my Mii getting ready to bowl. The resemblance to me is almost scary... you know how I love the green eyeshadow so.

Which brings me to my thoughts on bowling. Why is it that bowling is the one (sport?) that your body automatically has to will the ball in whatever direction in needs to go? I know you all know what I am talking about, because you've done it too. That little dance after the ball is released, the ever popular arm sweep and my all time favorite... one leg kicked behind the other with your body low to the ground as if greeting royalty.

Anyway, thanks to Nintendo, we will never look at our living room the same way again. A thankfully we have DVR because I have the feeling we're going to be missing a lot of our TV shows.

1 comment:

Jacinda said...

When I was whining about my "baby fat" the other day, my friend Heather told me to get one because it gave her a workout! Now you too? I think I might be on a shopping mission this weekend.