**Random fact #1 updated Saturday February 23**
Blunoz tagged me with a meme.
1. Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Post THE RULES on your blog.
3. Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog.
4. Tag 7 people and link to them.
5. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.
I can do this... wait, I already did this, but it was early in my blogging and no one really asked me to play. So, I am going to re-post what I wrote so that you all can share in my craziness that a lot of you may have missed. I was actually thinking about this post the other day as one of my favorites, so I'm glad I got tagged. You can click
here to see the original post and comments, or just scroll down and enjoy.
Here goes...
1. I have an irrational hate of conversion vans. Not that there are many around anymore, but still, I have nothing but hate for them. It could be that I dated a guy for 3 1/2 years that drove a big brown one. Or it could be the accident that I was in, in a conversion van, when I was a child, where we drove into a ditch full of water that proceeded to fill up the van. I just can't pinpoint it. Probably a topic for a therapist down the road.
**Apparently, we have moved to the land of the conversion van. On the way to run errands yesterday, I counted 7 conversion vans in the course of one hour. Some one help me please!!**
2. I alphabetize. If it can be alphabetized, I do it. Movies, file folders, spices. I distinctly remember a progress report from the 5th grade where my teacher said that I was great at alphabetizing. See, what you learn in school DOES translate into the real world. It really it a useful skill.
3. I hate wash cloths. Despite my mother-in-law's quest to convince me that the wash cloths that she uses and searches far and wide for are, 'The best wash cloths ever', I can't have anything to do with them. Not for dishes, countertops, or personal hygiene. I cannot stand the foul order that will emit from a wash cloth that has been used for over a day. I think I single handedly wiped out a forest with my use of paper towels. That's the way to do it. Lysol or 409 cleaner and paper towels, that's the only way to get your counter clean.
4. It takes me almost as long to unload my groceries as it does for me to go grocery shopping. I not only put my groceries away, I organize them as well. Not at all shocking to those that know me. I take every individually wrapped snack item out to put into the 'snack basket'. The film over the juice boxes is removed and they are lined up according to flavor. I cannot stand to have trash in my cupboard. Old fruits and vegetables are removed so that the newer ones are placed in the bottom of the drawer. The good ol' FIFO method. Yet another lesson learned that can be applied to the real world.
5. I am addicted to reality TV. There is not a reality show that I haven't liked. OK, there are a couple that I don't watch, but for the most part, I love them. In fact, my friend Jenn and I auditioned for 'The Amazing Race'. I have no idea why they didn't pick us. We would have made great TV... we had only known each other for a couple of months.
6. I rarely go more than one day without talking to my sister. Sometimes I talk to her 5 or more times in a day. E is an only child, and not a woman, so cannot begin to understand why we talk so much. 'What do you guys talk about?' is always his question and my answer is always, 'I don't know, stuff'. That usually explains it.
7. I ALWAYS have a scrunchie on my wrist, unless my hair is already pulled back by one. You just never know when you are going to need to put it up. The ladies that worked for me at
Target used to call it my 'work hair'.
I don't have 7 people to tag, but I will tag:
Felicia at
Bread, W(h)ine & CheezJacinda at
Creative Legsand anybody else who would like to play along.