Tuesday, January 15, 2008

'The Best Day Ever!'...

according to e.

We experienced our first MD snowfall today. And, as you may remember, e LOVES snow. We grabbed our coats and the dog and headed outside.

The snow was flying everywhere and came down really quickly. Our snowstorm lasted all of 30 minutes. But it left us this.

And we were able to make this.

And Isis discovered that she loves snow just as much.


Caffienated Cowgirl said...

A snowman is a snowman...regardless the size :)

Sara said...

Brrrr!! It looks cold. Glad ya'll had fun - and Isis is just PRECIOUS. So is your mini-snow man. I like his baby carrot nose!!

Jamie said...

how fun!! could you send some of that snow down here? the snow on isis' nose is way cute.

The A Team said...

SO happy to hear that E had a great day. She is still sorely missed here and mentioned daily! Had dinner at the Mucky Duck last night, saw a great live band, and wished you were there!

Chastity said...

I love the mini snowman!! I might have to try that when it snows here next since we never get enough to make a full sized one!