Monday, January 14, 2008

Serenity Now!

I am almost positive that I have stolen this post title from my great friend, Amy, but I just can't seem to get it out of my head this morning.

Prior to this move, the girls' were in separate rooms, e with her bunk bed and KK with her crib. We decided that when we moved, the girls' would share a room. KK is now 2 years, 4 months old... so plenty old enough for a 'big girl bed'. She was so excited about it and did really well... she went to sleep the first night with no problem. But, the last week, she has decided that it would be fun to get out of her bed every 2 minutes after being put to bed. She also climbs into e's bed causing her to scream for us. The past few days, we have had huge fights over nap time and this morning, she was up at 4 AM. After about an hour of trying to get her back to sleep, including setting up the pack-n-play again, I gave up.

Since then, we have already had breakfast, I have taken the dog out twice, cleaned up dog throw up and watched The Wiggles Dance Party twice... ugh!

So, here's our dilemma:

1. Do we forget about the nap and completely lose our sanity?

2. Put her back in her crib in the girls' room?

3. Put her back in her crib in the guest room (we don't have guests all that often)?

4. Set up a big girl bed in the guest room?

5. Pack my bags and sneak out in the middle of the night?

This is such a strange experience... e was a completely different child, we never ran into these problems with her.


amy said...

number 5 is always a viable option...just kiddin'. do NOT, i repeat, do NOT give up on the naps. it's just a battle of the wills, believe me, we've had them. but T is still napping after our battles, and she needs them. does kk need them, or is it just you that needs them? i'd have my hand up for both. my suggestion, for what it's worth, since t never attempts to get out of bed, ever, is to set up a big girl bed in another room and camp out, taking her back every time she gets up, tucking her in, etc. it should ease off after a couple of nights. it's like glorious sleep training all over again! i love it! can't wait for c to do it! hang in there. good luck!

Unknown said...

Poor Tiny Mighty Mo is having a hard transition time. Judging from the rate of speed at which she travels, naps do seem pretty important (not to mention the slight change in behavior when tired!). My thoughts are to set up the crib and then give her a choice of nap in big girl bed or crib. Being the smallest one in your fleet she may be looking for some control over life. The other thought was her music maker in her crib seemed to be critical to the idea of napping. It seemed to be real calming to her before and after sleep. Doubt that e would like the noise if that were attached to her big girl bed!!
Hope you get a nap today.

Anonymous said...

#5 please! Just kidding! We haven't yet run into that as the wee is just shy of 2 and we're not comfortable with him in a bed on the 2nd floor of the house. That kid is Houdini with short legs!

The advice so far seems pretty sound and doable. Best of luck in it...and in keeping your sanity close at hand!

kmm said...

I would totally opt for packing up and sneaking out in the middle of the night, but I think the is just the pregnancy hormones talking. I would definitely not give up the nap. That has been my biggest mistake thus far with A. I miss those little moments of sanity that I had when he would sleep.

The A Team said...

No sage advice, here except...
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES give up the nap! We are currently fighting it as well. Sanity dictates I must prevail until she is at least 3.
I would love for the girls to share a room as well, but sleep is all too rare in our house anyway...

pyusmc66 said...

I think she has discovered that e's bed is empty when k is supposed to nap. And, she's finally doing the acting out associated with all the change. I opt for the crib choice (she might respond well to the choice aspect as mentioned before...she would like some control, I'm sure...and she's testing you). Stay with the naps as long as possible....she expends soooo much energy when she's awake. Maybe the double room thing is too much change for now. Go back to old routine...just for the consistency. That should provide her with more security. Just my ideas. "B"

Anonymous said...

was she crawling out of crib? If I remember you let e stay in her crib until she started camping out on the futon in her room. I say leave the big girl bed in the girls room and setup the crib in the guest room. Let her decide where she goes. Nap, what's that? For some reason when mine hit two the nap goes out the window. Good luck, I know you'll make it. By the way, house, yard, pool, cat, hamster, and now dog. You're catching up with me.

Jamie said...

oh man... wish i could give some advice, but i know nothing about kids so far =) but really... 4am? my mom used to tell me to go watch tv and eat some cereal when i was little and woke her up at 6am every morning.

One Crazy Adventure said...

What... I think I missed a critical piece of info her... kmm, did you say pregnancy hormones???? Congrats if so! -K

One Crazy Adventure said...
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One Crazy Adventure said...
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Caffienated Cowgirl said...

#5! Pick number #5!