Friday, February 8, 2008

Unheard Of

We met with some friends at a park today for lunch and play... which meant that KK didn't get to take her nap at the usual time. The girls played for a couple of hours and then we went to E's work for a tour and then to the NEX and Commissary for some last minute weekend necessities. KK was pretty whiny when we got home and said that she wanted to go 'night-night'. I said 'fine, go ahead,' not really thinking anything of it. About 15 minutes later, I went upstairs to find her in her pack-n-play fast asleep. It's now 5 pm and I am thinking I should probably wake her up, but...


Jacinda said...

Um, how long is "it's Tricky" going to play when I open your blog? It scares the be-jezzles out of me every time. I'm glad that I work from home. : )

Chastity said...

It's hard to wake them up when it's already that late...but just tell yourself "I don't want to be woken at 3 AM" over and over a few times and it might help motivate you to wake her :).

The A Team said...

I am jealous on multiple fronts, playdate at the park, napping toddler.... Wish we were able to share in the fun!