Monday, December 29, 2008

Litte E is the Winner!!

She pulled out her wiggly tooth this morning. She is so excited!! And she won the loose tooth contest that I posted about a while back.

So, what the going rate for a tooth these days?


Sagey said...

We do $2 because that is what our ES's best friend was getting. If Little E has friends who have already lost teeth, go ask their parents what the going rate is. :-)

Anonymous said...

Too cute! BK has lost 2 and got $5 for each one which is...surprisingly enough what I got when I was a kid moons ago.

Anonymous said...

The tooth fairy is heavily leveraged in mutual funds and waiting for the DOW to get back to 14,000................about $1.17 by my calculations.

The A Team said...

Princess M just lost a tooth on Dec. 26 on our way to San Diego for a Mexico cruise. The tooth fairy visited us there and left $5. Good to see the girls are still on parallel tracks.... We just returned from the cruise yesterday and L started vomiting last night... fun times! Have an awesome New Year!

Anonymous said...

There's no monetary value for a face like that, it's priceless!! Way to go ELLA!!!! Love, Bannie